(Cloud-)Hosting & Maintenance, Cloud-Consulting, Cloud-Services, Webentwicklung

Zoom7 GmbH

(Cloud-)Hosting & Maintenance, App, Appentwicklung, Cloud-Services, Infrastruktur, Java, Mobile Apps, Softwareentwicklung, Webentwicklung


(Cloud-)Hosting & Maintenance, Beratung, Cloud-Consulting, Cloud-Services, Coaching, Cybersecurity, Data Center, Engineering, Gebäudeautomation, IT-Sicherheit, Kritische Infrastrukturen

Dokumentenmanagement, ERP, IT-Sicherheit, Projektmanagement

BMT Business meets Technology Consulting AG

Cloud-Consulting, Cloud-Services, Data Integration, Data Science, Google Cloud Platform, Internet of Things, Künstliche Intelligenz, Maschinelles Lernen, Microsoft Azure, SAP, SAP Cloud Platform, Webentwicklung

neusta integrate GmbH | Ein team neusta Unternehmen

Access Management, Application Implementation, Application Management, Cloud-Services, CMS, Data Integration, Digital Asset Management, Enterprise Software Integration, Framework Implementation, Identity Management, Java, Product Information Management, Software, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Softwareentwicklung, User Interface, User Interface Design, User-Interface-Design, Web, Web Frontend Development, Webdesign, Website

Stefan Lanz | Digitale Organisationsentwicklung

Backupstrategien, Cloud-Consulting, Datenschutz, Datensicherheit, Förderprogramme, Infrastruktur, IT-Beratung, IT-Sicherheit, IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragter, IT-Strategie, Microsoft Teams, Prozessanalyse, Prozessberatung, Prozessoptimierung, Security Awareness, Strategieberatung

Stadtwerke Konstanz GmbH

Telekommunikation, W-Lan

Lapiscode UG

(Cloud-)Hosting & Maintenance, Agiles Projektmanagement, Automatisierung, Chatbot, Cloud-Consulting, DevOps, DevOps as a Service, Digitale Transformation, generative KI, IT-Beratung, Kanban, Kubernetes, Künstliche Intelligenz, LangChain, Ollama, Open Source, Prototypen, Prozessanalyse, Prozessdigitalisierung, Requirements-Engineering, Schulungen, Software, Softwareentwicklung, Sprachmodelle, Tensor Flow, Workshops

Skillworks AG

Beratung, Business Intelligence, E-Commerce, Industrie 4.0, Software, Website

GFT Integrated Systems GmbH

Automatisierung, Cloud-Services, Collaborative Intranets, Digitaler Zwilling, Digitalisierung von Arbeitsabläufen, Engineering, ERP, Human Machine Interface, IIoT-Lösungen, Industrie, Industrie 4.0, Internet of Things, IoT-Plattform, Lean Production, Maschinelles Lernen, MES, Mobile Business Apps, Produktion, Shopfloor Management

CompAn Labs GmbH

Algorithmik, Analytics, BSI 100-4, Business Continuity Management, Data Center, Datenmanagement, Deep Learning, Dokumentenmanagement, ERP, Integration Platform as a Service, ISO 27001, IT-Beratung, IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragter, Linux, Maschinelles Lernen, Microsoft Azure, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), SaaS, SQL, Technologieberatung

codify AG

BigQuery, Cloud-Consulting, Cloud-Services, Data Warehouse, Datenanalyse, Google Cloud Platform, Java, Maschinelles Lernen, Python, SQL, Tensor Flow

mITSM Munich Institute for IT Service Management GmbH

Agiles Projektmanagement, Blockchain, Datenanalyse, Datenschutz, Datenschutzbeauftragter, Design Thinking, DevOps, Ethical Hacking, ISO 27001, IT-Recht, IT-Sicherheit, Kanban, Kritische Infrastrukturen, Maschinelles Lernen, Penetration Tests, Projektmanagement, Schulungen, Security Awareness

Bechtle GmbH Bodensee

Agilität, Beratung, Client Management, Hardware, Infrastruktur, Internet of Things, IT-Sicherheit, Microsoft Azure, Networking Solutions, Schulungen, Schulungszentrum, Server & Storage, Software, Virtualisierung

M4Com System GmbH

Agilität, Big Data, C++, CentOS, Cloud-Services, Continuous Integration (CI), Debian, DevOps, Django, Fedora, IT-Sicherheit, Künstliche Intelligenz, Linux, Maschinelles Lernen, Python, Red Hat, Scrum, Visualisierung

allsafe GmbH & Co. KG

Appentwicklung, Cloud-Services, CNC-Bearbeitung, Industrie 4.0, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Ladungssicherung, Softwareentwicklung

Ehrenmüller GmbH

Algorithmik, Amazon Webservices, Big Data, ChatGPT, Cloud-Services, Computer Vision, Data Science, Google Cloud Platform, Industrie 4.0, IT-Beratung, Künstliche Intelligenz, Maschinelles Lernen, Microsoft Azure, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Predictive Analytics, Python, Schulungen, Software, Softwareentwicklung, Sprachmodelle, Training, Workshops

N47 AG

AEM-Development, Cloud-Consulting, DevOps, Mobile, Technologieberatung, Web

Ifolor AG

E-Commerce, Microsoft Azure, Personalisierte Fotoprodukte


(Cloud-)Hosting & Maintenance, Cloud-Services, DevOps, Digital Product Development, Mobile Apps, Open Source, Softwareentwicklung, Symfony, User Experience Design, Visual Design

autphone GmbH

All-IP, Cloud-Services, Computer Telephony Integration, Digital Signage/Digitale Beschilderung, Fax2Mail, Kollaboration, Microsoft Teams, Modern Desktop, SIP-Trunk, Softphone, Telefonie, Telekommunikation, Unified communications/Real-time communication, Virtuelle Telefonanlage, VoIP, WebRTC

mdbw GmbH

Infrastruktur, IT-Sicherheit, Netzwerke

PCK IT Datacenter

Citrix, Data Center, It as a service, Managed Service, Rechenzentrum, Systemhaus

TeleData GmbH

(Cloud-)Hosting & Maintenance, Cloud-Services, Data Center, DSL, Glasfaser, Infrastruktur, Kommunikationslösungen, Rechenzentrum, Telefonie, Telekommunikation, W-Lan

W&R digital GmbH

Beratung, Bildung, Coaching, Data Science, Datenschutz, Industrie 4.0, Infrastruktur, Künstliche Intelligenz, Organisationsentwicklung, Portal, Recht, Software, Telekommunikation

doubleSlash Net-Business GmbH

Agilität, Amazon Webservices, Big Data, Blockchain, Business Intelligence, Condition Based Monitoring, Data Science, Data-Mining, Data-Scientist, Deep Learning, DevOps, Digital Product Development, Digitaler Assistent, Digitaler Zwilling, Distributed Ledger Technologie, Enterprise File Sync & Share, Human Machine Interface, IIoT-Lösungen, Internet of Things, IoT-Plattform, IT-Beratung, Java, Künstliche Intelligenz, Machine Learning Operations, Maschinelles Lernen, Microsoft Azure, Platform as a Service, Predictive Maintenance, Screendesign, Scrum, Smart Contracts, Softwareentwicklung, Subscription Management, Technologieberatung

Connecting Media GmbH

Backupstrategien, Cybersecurity, Datenschutz, Datenschutzgrundverordnung / DSGVO, Datensicherheit, Endpoint Management, ISO 27001, IT-Sicherheit, Microsoft 365, Netzwerke, Patch Management, Penetration Tests, Security Awareness, Telefonanlagen, W-Lan

Seitenbau GmbH

E-Government, Intranet, Open Government, Portal, Smart Government, Software, Softwareentwicklung, Webdesign, Wissensmanagement
Tobias Fauth

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