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GFT Integrated Systems GmbH

Automatisierung, Cloud-Services, Collaborative Intranets, Digitaler Zwilling, Digitalisierung von Arbeitsabläufen, Engineering, ERP, Human Machine Interface, IIoT-Lösungen, Industrie, Industrie 4.0, Internet of Things, IoT-Plattform, Lean Production, Maschinelles Lernen, MES, Mobile Business Apps, Produktion, Shopfloor Management

doubleSlash Net-Business GmbH

Agilität, Amazon Webservices, Big Data, Blockchain, Business Intelligence, Condition Based Monitoring, Data Science, Data-Mining, Data-Scientist, Deep Learning, DevOps, Digital Product Development, Digitaler Assistent, Digitaler Zwilling, Distributed Ledger Technologie, Enterprise File Sync & Share, Human Machine Interface, IIoT-Lösungen, Internet of Things, IoT-Plattform, IT-Beratung, Java, Künstliche Intelligenz, Machine Learning Operations, Maschinelles Lernen, Microsoft Azure, Platform as a Service, Predictive Maintenance, Screendesign, Scrum, Smart Contracts, Softwareentwicklung, Subscription Management, Technologieberatung
Tobias Fauth

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